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Friday, March 4, 2011

Beckwatch - Koch Brothers Edition

Mar 4th, 2011

The Beckinator has truly outdone himself. He has gone so far as to compare the Birch Brothers, oops, I mean the Koch Brothers to our Founding Fathers. As I pondered this head scratcher, what really struck me was the irony. The only similarity I can find between the Kochs and our Founders is amongst that portion which both defended and embraced human slavery as a necessary component of the economy. Yet, this is the primary characteristic of our Founders which Beck has consistently distorted with half-truths and falsehoods. Watch for yourself. As a friend suggested, do not sip liquid while viewing as it's a guaranteed spit-take.

Also, be sure to click the "Koch Industries" link above or HERE. It's rare for a commercial corporation's website to be so crassly political.

1 comment:

  1. The man never ceases to annoy us and this is going above and beyond the call of duty.
