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Friday, March 11, 2011

Scott Walker's Reality, cont...

March 11th, 2011

I am beginning to think Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker actually does exist some sort of parallel reality. Continuing his victory laps over the most destructively anti-middle class legislation in America in decades he told AP today:
"What we're doing here, I think, is progressive. It's innovative. It's reform that leads the country, 

and we're showing there's a better way by sharing in that sacrifice with all of us in government," he said."

Progressive? Far out. As far as the "sharing" of sacrifice is concerned, it's a good time to point out that Walker's fear-mongering warning of a "3.1 billion dollar deficit" is decidedly smaller than the 5.3 billion dollars in new tax cuts for corporations within his budget. Get it?

Again, we urge all Wisconsin citizens to PLEDGE TO SUPPORT Gov. Walker's recall.

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