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Monday, January 3, 2011

Allen West - Standing By His Craziness

Jan 3rd, 2011

Rep. Elect Allen West (R-FL) has said some nutty things in the past. From declaring himself to have a higher security clearance than The President to calling for the censorship of American journalists, he has come across as, well, crazy. Has he tempered his public pronouncements in the wake of the resultant withering criticism?

Nope. He officially doubled down on the crazy during an appearance yesterday on The Murdoch Device:

"Asked by host Chris Wallace if he was willing to stand by his comments that the "liberal, progressive" agenda was "tyrannical, socialist, despicable," West responded... "I think it is."

You'd think that someone who has been described by fellow veterans of the Iraq War as "a verified torturer, war criminal and a liar" might not play so fast and loose with words like "despicable."


  1. You are a certified tool!!! This man is a patriot in every sense and I am willing to bet that you have NEVER served a day of your life in combat but have spent every day of your life enjoying your freedom while criticizing those who defended it on your behalf like myself. There isn't a Democrat with the cajones to debate this man...just write blogs criticizing him.

  2. Dear Anonymous... Why is it that defenders of this man are always Anonymous? I recommend that you read the actual reports on Mr. West's discharge. Also, Mr. West's statements, they speak for themselves. They are absurd. Period.

    As for West's being a so-called "patriot," I direct you to the words Samuel Johnson who said "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." -- April 7, 1775

  3. The guy is certifiable like all the other Republican candidates, I think being crazy is a prerequisite for running in that party. Scary when the candidate that seems most sane is Romney.
