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Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Truth About The Republican Opposition

Oct. 3rd, 2010

by F. Grey Parker

Rep. John Boehner said something stunning a week ago that deserves the attention of every citizen who intends to vote this November. It defines the entirety of the republican contribution to the American experiment in these times. Chris Wallace questioned Mr. Boehner in the sympathetic confines of the FOXNews studios about the GOP Pledge's lack of specific policy proposals. The response was profoundly informative. The emphases are mine:

"BOEHNER: Chris, this is what happens here in washington. When you start down that path, you just invite all kind of problems. I know. I've been there. I think we need to do this in a more systemic way and have this conversation first. Let's not get to the potential solutions. Let's make sure americans understand how big the problem is. Then we can talk about possible solutions and then work ourselves into those solutions that are doable."

We have created a "Sunday Picture Show" to drive home the moment.

Chris Wallace looked amazed.

"Let’s not get to the potential solutions."

Did you, like, really say that?

"Let’s not get to the potential solutions."

Shit. He did.

"Let’s not get to the potential solutions."

Dude, shut up.

"Let’s not get to the potential solutions."

Okay. That's it. You are a dumbass.

When the do-nothing opposition casually states that their vision for our troubled nation's future is to continue to do nothing, they really ought not be emboldened this November by the angry electorate's sour grapes.

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